Vol. 1 No. 1 (2024): ISEO Journal - Revista Científica de Ciencias Médicas y Salud Mental
Artículo original

Evaluation of the FSD model of evolutionary psychopathology in patients with GAD

Angélica Fabiola Sánchez Gutiérrez
Universidad Virtual de Estudios Superiores. Instituto Superior de Estudios de Occidente (ISEO), Nayarit, México.
Pedro Uriarte Molina
Clínica Avance Tratamiento de Adicciones, Tijuana, México.
Ruth Lizzeth Madera Sandoval
Instituto Superior de Estudios de Occidente (ISEO), Nayarit, México.
Articulo Original 05 - Portada

Published 2024-12-31


  • Anxiety,
  • Evolutionary,
  • FSD Model,
  • Mental health,
  • Survival

How to Cite

Evaluation of the FSD model of evolutionary psychopathology in patients with GAD. (2024). ISEO Journal - Revista Científica De Ciencias Médicas Y Salud Mental, 1(1), 40-50. https://journal.iseo.edu.mx/index.php/iseo/article/view/11


Objective: To evaluate the FSD (Fast-Slow-Defense) Model of evolutionary psychopathology in 29 patients. Materials and Methods: The Clinical History Questionnaire, the Life History Strategies Likert Scale, and the Pennsylvania Worry Questionnaire (PSWQ) were employed, utilizing a mixed-methods approach and a non-probability convenience sampling with an exploratory design. Results:  No correlation was identified between life history strategies (FSD model) and the Pennsylvania Worry Questionnaire (PSWQ). Furthermore, 62% of participants were diagnosed with GAD, 27.6% had other anxiety disorders, and 10.4% were healthy controls. Among the participants, 69% exhibited a defensive life history strategy, 17.1% exhibited a fast strategy, and 13% exhibited a slow strategy. Discussions:   Reviewing life history strategies associated with GAD enables the identification of strategies employed, their consequences, and their impact on human life. Moreover, it facilitates the analysis of impulsive behaviors to address complex challenges in contemporary society.


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