Published 2024-12-31
- COVID 19,
- Mild cognitive impairment,
- Mini-mental,
- Hospitalized patients

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Objective: To identify cognitive impairments produced by COVID-19 among recovery patients within a population of 24 patients, and a random sample of 9 patients affected by COVID-19. The patients were transferred and treated to manage their anxiety and provide them pulmonary rehabilitation exercises in charge of the Family Medicine Unit in the Psychology department at the IMSS Psychiatric Hospital No. 10, in Ciudad de México, Mexico. Materials and Methods: This research was conducted using a methodological approach under the quantitative perspective of non-experimental cross-sectional and explanatory design. The Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) and Fisher's exact test were also used. Results: The 12% of the selected patients (1) presented moderate cognitive impairment. The 44 % (4) presented mild cognitive impairment, and 44 % (4) did not present cognitive impairment. Furthermore, no significant relation was found between the educational level and cognitive impairment, given that p= .295 surpasses the significance line. Discussions: The interpretation of the results does not allow a conclusive relationship between COVID-19 and cognitive impairment. Moreover, education is the main factor affecting the test score.
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