Vol. 1 No. 1 (2024): ISEO Journal - Revista Científica de Ciencias Médicas y Salud Mental
Artículo original

Applied Theatre as an agent for the facilitation of psychosocial factors, a grounded theory study

Ulises Moreno-Serena
Instituto Superior de Estudios de Occidente (ISEO), Nayarit, México, Teatro Aplicado CDMX, Ciudad de México, México
José Guadalupe Torres Morales
Instituto Politécnico Nacional Escuela Superior de Ingeniería Mecánica y Eléctrica Unidad Culhuacán, Instituto Superior de Estudios de Occidente (ISEO), Nayarit, México.
Rosario del Pilar Gibert Delgado
Instituto Superior de Estudios de Occidente (ISEO), Nayarit, México, Instituto Politécnico Nacional Escuela Superior de Ingeniería Mecánica y Eléctrica Unidad Culhuacán, Ciudad de México, México.

Published 2024-12-31


  • Biopsychosocial,
  • Practice Based Evidence,
  • Primary prevention,
  • Applied Theatre,
  • Psychosocial Factors

How to Cite

Applied Theatre as an agent for the facilitation of psychosocial factors, a grounded theory study. (2024). ISEO Journal - Revista Científica De Ciencias Médicas Y Salud Mental, 1(1), 30-39. https://journal.iseo.edu.mx/index.php/iseo/article/view/10


Objective:  This research aimed to describe the specific characteristics of Applied Theatre (TA) as a tool for addressing psychosocial factors, based on studies conducted over the past 15 years. Materials and Methods:  The study employed a qualitative exploratory approach with a constructivist variant of Grounded Theory. Microsoft Excel was used as a database tool, while IBM SPSS version 29 was utilized for generating relationship map graphs. Specialized articles and books on the topic were analyzed. Results:  The findings highlight various modalities of TA, with certain approaches such as Dramatherapy, Playback Theatre, Theatre of the Oppressed, Theatre for Development, and Improvisation being more prominent than others. Additionally, the extensive body of literature available in Spanish underscores the growing significance of this field. Discussions: AT is considered effective for addressing, preventing, and treating individual and social psychosocial factors. It creates a space for mutual respect and collaboration, facilitating the identification of common goals and shared values. The theoretical foundations of AT as a tool for addressing psychosocial factors warrant further exploration within its scientific domain.


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